Thursday, August 19, 2010

Budgeting is important for back-to-school shopping

Cathy Bowen - Penn State professor of agricultural and extension education
Big-box stores are featuring prominent and colorful displays of back-to-school gear, hoping for excited parents to quickly make choices and move on. But by budgeting for back-to-school clothing and supplies, a family can purchase exactly what is needed and save money, according to experts in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences.

Cathy Bowen, professor of agricultural and extension education, likens back-to-school shopping to grocery shopping. "Smart shoppers keep a running list of what they need. When preparing for a run to the grocery store, they evaluate what they have already and what they need in order to prepare the coming week's menu," she said.
A budget is always a wise choice. "People have to spend money not only on school supplies and clothing, but for groceries, housing and more," said Bowen. "Budgets allow people to spend money on paper first, before going to the store and releasing it. And by planning how money would be spent, people will be more content with their final choices, and the items purchased will more likely be needs instead of wants."
Read the entire article:

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