Think about your own childhood holiday memories. Is it the perfect place settings or the number of casseroles that you recall? More likely it was the games you played with cousins or the hike the family took after dinner or some other simple pleasure that comes to mind. Maybe you can recreate these fun times for your kids and focus a little less on achieving perfection with your dinner or decorations. You might find that you are all a little happier as a result.
Think of ways you can involve your children in the preparations for the holidays. Can they make place cards for everyone, create table decorations, and help make the pumpkin pie or set the table? Perfection is not necessary – keep in mind the pride they will have when they tell others that they helped. The same is true if you are expecting a crowd for the holidays – leave them some tasks to do so they feel part of the event. I have used a “job jar” before and let my family members draw slips of paper that assigned them responsibilities for Thanksgiving dinner. The suspense of the “luck of the draw” made it fun for everyone. What creative ideas have you used to de-stress the holiday season?
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